Friday, December 14, 2007

St. Tropez's crown jewel of disco

"A history lesson in partying."
- Michael Martin, Editorial Review Author

A champagne-fest of partying oppulence

The Place:
Les Caves du Roy
The Scene:
Perhaps the most famous nightclub in France, Les Caves du Roy is a dance institution that defies age and time. Located within the renowned Hotel Byblos, the club is a sanctuary of modern music that has recently been resurrected with a namesake CD that has circulated the world over. Nestled off the main passageway of the hotel, the entrance is protected by guards larger than most army officers. Ensuring that celebrities and elite are given a private environment free of paparazzi, the guards do their best to secure the safety of Byblos royalty that in the past has included everyone from Mick Jagger to Sean Coombs. The club maintains the same look sported since its inception; baroque columns with gold brocade still tower above VIP booths embroidered with the notorious Byblos insignia and oriental touches. The women are the most beautiful in the world and the men; unlike in LA or New York, actually know how to dance. Champagne corks pop by the minute as platinum cards swipes to the percussion of trance and techno remixes. At the helm of the Les Caves du Roy is deejay Jack-E who can spin everything from a Patricia Kaas track to the latest Beyonce track flawlessly.
JetSet Tips:
Champagne by the bottle, bring the prettiest ladies you know and dress like your clothes are who you are and who you are is nothing short of fabulous.
Last Word:
During the summer a soft wind blows down the main corridor of the Byblos Hotel as stiletto heels and Gucci loafers make their way to the Les Caves du Roy. The tanned skin of locals, who spent their days at the beach club, moistens as they begin to sway to the music of the Byblos. From mellow grooves to ladies dancing on the tables at 6AM, when Les Caves du Roy comes alive there is no scene or words to compare its allure and sex appeal.


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